Status : R | Type : E | Woman Owned : N | Business Type : I |
Business Size : E | Primary Business : G | CAO Code : - | ADP Code : - |
Manufacturer: Saab Ab Training And Simulation |
Part No | Item Name | Manufacturer | NSN | QTY | RFQ |
8845056311 | saab ab training and simulation | small arms config device svd | 6910-01-653-4372 | Avl | RFQ |
0980 419-014 | saab ab training and simulation | gasket | 5330-01-295-8609 | Avl | RFQ |
8858019301 | saab ab training and simulation | engagement feedback device | 6910-01-653-4701 | Avl | RFQ |
6853488811 | saab ab training and simulation | mounting base tie down electrica | 5975-01-498-3200 | Avl | RFQ |
8862001194 | saab ab training and simulation | wts bulgaria dits add on | 6910-01-653-4377 | Avl | RFQ |
6853 497-724 | saab ab training and simulation | battery storage | 6140-01-550-6095 | Avl | RFQ |
8845056401 | saab ab training and simulation | small arms config dvc rpg 7 | 6910-01-653-4359 | Avl | RFQ |
8862001006 | saab ab training and simulation | kit tank weapons gunnery | 6910-01-625-2428 | Avl | RFQ |
0980162011 | saab ab training and simulation | strap tiedown electrical compone | 5975-00-903-2284 | Avl | RFQ |
8842009901-1 | saab ab training and simulation | sid kit small 868mh | 6910-01-654-1502 | Avl | RFQ |
Guaranteed on-time |
Customized and |
Over 5100 |
Complete Purchasing |