Address : 5111 LEARY AVE NW SEATTLE, WA, 98107-4888 UNITED STATES | |||
Status : A | Type : A | Woman Owned : N | Business Type : N |
Business Size : A | Primary Business : J | CAO Code : S4801A | ADP Code : HQ0339 |
Manufacturer: Hatch And Kirk Inc |
Part No | Item Name | Manufacturer | NSN | QTY | RFQ |
3342300 | hatch and kirk inc | cap bearing camshaf | 2815-00-602-5785 | Avl | RFQ |
5186453 | hatch and kirk inc | valve safety relief | 4820-00-389-6067 | Avl | RFQ |
3253771 | hatch and kirk inc | seal | 5330-00-097-2461 | Avl | RFQ |
DS3430 | hatch and kirk inc | ring piston | 2815-00-253-5583 | Avl | RFQ |
3327698 | hatch and kirk inc | o ring | 5331-00-839-9969 | Avl | RFQ |
3300259 | hatch and kirk inc | spring helical compression | 5360-00-291-5096 | Avl | RFQ |
3218209 | hatch and kirk inc | spring helical compression | 5360-00-265-3693 | Avl | RFQ |
3239702 | hatch and kirk inc | bolt machine | 5306-01-106-4331 | Avl | RFQ |
3252849 | hatch and kirk inc | spring helical compression | 5360-00-266-4273 | Avl | RFQ |
8045669 | hatch and kirk inc | camshaft engine | 2815-01-495-1902 | Avl | RFQ |
Guaranteed on-time |
Customized and |
Over 5100 |
Complete Purchasing |